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2024-08-10 07:10:28 +00:00
import discord
import commands as com
import messages as mes
import tokens as tok
from discord.ext import tasks
import datetime
client = discord.Client()
# Information Embed message when bot joins the server for the first time.
async def on_guild_join(guild):
await guild.text_channels[0].send(embed=mes.guild_join_message())
# Information to console when bot successfully logs in the server.
async def on_ready():
print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(client))
# Reactions to message commands.
async def on_message(message):
if message.author == client.user:
elif message.content.startswith('?random'):
await com.random_command(message)
elif message.content.startswith('?8ball'):
await com.eightball_command(message)
elif message.content.startswith('?yesno'):
await com.yesno_command(message)
elif message.content.startswith('?list'):
await com.list_command(client,message)
elif message.content.startswith('?showlists'):
await com.print_lists(message)
elif message.content.startswith('?delete'):
await com.delete_command(message)
elif message.content.startswith('?commands'):
await com.commands_command(message)
# daily DB clean loop
async def cleandb():
await com.clean()
print("DB cleaned " + datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%B %d %Y - %H:%M:%S'))
# Connects the client using Discord bot token