using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.UI; public class Player : MonoBehaviour { public Rigidbody2D body; public CapsuleCollider2D capsuleCollider2D; [SerializeField] public LayerMask platformLayerMask; public SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer; public Animator animator; public GameObject spawnPoint; public GameObject checkPoint; public GameObject colObject; private Vector2 fallMultiplierVector; private bool groundCheck = true; private float coyotteCounter; private int checkpointCounter = 0; private int lifeCounter = 3; private bool midair = false; private bool immunity = false; [SerializeField] private float jumpVelocity = 3.5f; [SerializeField] private float movementSpeed = 1.3f; [SerializeField] private float fallMultiplier = 1.5f; [SerializeField] private float coyotteTime = 0.125f; [SerializeField] private float worldLowerBound = -3f; [SerializeField] private Sprite emptyHearth; [SerializeField] private AudioSource deathSound; [SerializeField] private AudioSource footStep; [SerializeField] private AudioSource jumpSound; // Initializes some values on start void Start() { body = GetComponent(); capsuleCollider2D = GetComponent(); fallMultiplierVector = Vector2.up * (fallMultiplier - 1); spawnPoint = GameObject.Find("SpawnPoint"); } // update with every frame private void Update() { WorldBoundCheck(); groundCheck = IsGrounded(); MovementHandler(); CanJump(); AnimationHandler(); FallGravityHandler(); JumpedSound(); } // checking tags of colliders on trigger void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col_trig) { // changing spawnpoint to checkpoint and removing checkopint object if (col_trig.CompareTag("Checkpoint")) { checkpointCounter++; checkPoint = GameObject.Find($"Checkpoint ({checkpointCounter})"); spawnPoint.transform.position = checkPoint.transform.position; Destroy(checkPoint); } } void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col) { colObject = col.gameObject; // handling collision with enemies if (colObject.CompareTag("Enemy") && immunity == false) { // if player hits enemy from above, remove enemy if (colObject.transform.position.y + colObject.GetComponent().size.y < transform.position.y) { //colObject.GetComponent().DeathHandler(); colObject.GetComponent().deathSound.Play(); } // else respawn player and stop enemy movement from collision else if (colObject.GetComponent().isDead == false) { colObject.GetComponent().velocity = new Vector2(0f, body.velocity.y); StartCoroutine(Respawn()); } } } // checks if player is grounded by projecting boxcast below his collider private bool IsGrounded() { float extraBoxHeight = 0.05f; Vector3 boxCastOffset = new Vector3 (.04f, 0f, 0f); RaycastHit2D boxcastHit = Physics2D.BoxCast(, capsuleCollider2D.bounds.size - boxCastOffset, 0f, Vector2.down, extraBoxHeight, platformLayerMask); return boxcastHit.collider != null; } // check if player can jump based on grounded & coyotte time private void CanJump() { if(groundCheck) { coyotteCounter = coyotteTime; } else { coyotteCounter -= Time.deltaTime; } } // handles simple movement private void MovementHandler() { // jumping when key is pressed if (Input.GetKeyDown("up") && coyotteCounter > 0f) { body.velocity = Vector2.up * jumpVelocity; } // lowering jump velocity when jump key is released else if (Input.GetKeyUp("up") && body.velocity.y > 0f) { body.velocity = new Vector2(body.velocity.x, body.velocity.y * 0.5f); } // left & right movement + flip of sprite else if (Input.GetKey("right")) { body.velocity = new Vector2(movementSpeed, body.velocity.y); spriteRenderer.flipX = false; } else if (Input.GetKey("left")) { body.velocity = new Vector2(-movementSpeed, body.velocity.y); spriteRenderer.flipX = true; } // stopping all horizontal movement when no keys are pressed else { if (groundCheck) { body.velocity = new Vector2(0f, body.velocity.y); } } } //handles animations private void AnimationHandler() { // sets trigger to running animation if (groundCheck && body.velocity.x != 0f && body.velocity.y > -0.1f && body.velocity.y < 0.1f) { animator.SetFloat("Speed", 1f); } // sets trigger to idle animation else { animator.SetFloat("Speed", 0f); } } private void FallGravityHandler() { // jump fall gravity multiplier, to make falling faster than going up if (body.velocity.y < 0f) { body.velocity += fallMultiplierVector * Physics2D.gravity.y * Time.deltaTime; } } // respawns player when he dies private void WorldBoundCheck() { if(transform.position.y < worldLowerBound) { StartCoroutine(Respawn()); } } // handles player death private IEnumerator Respawn() { // plays sound, animation, waits for animation to end, changes life counter deathSound.Play(); animator.SetBool("playerDead", true); immunity = true; yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.35f); lifeCounter--; // if player has 0 life left, restart the whole scene if (lifeCounter <= 0) { SceneManager.LoadScene("DeathScene"); } // if player has life left, respawn him on checkpoint, with immunity to enemies for 1s, change hearth UI else { GameObject.Find($"HearthImage ({lifeCounter})").GetComponent().sprite = emptyHearth; animator.SetBool("playerDead", false); transform.position = spawnPoint.transform.position; body.velocity = new Vector2(0f, 0f); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); immunity = false; } } // footstep audio player used in running animation private void Footstep() { footStep.Play(); } // plays jump sound on landing based on ground check private void JumpedSound() { if(groundCheck == false) { midair = true; } else if (midair && groundCheck) { jumpSound.Play(); midair = false; } } }