// Implements a dictionary's functionality #include #include "dictionary.h" #include #include #include #include // Represents a node in a hash table typedef struct node { char word[LENGTH + 1]; struct node *next; } node; //initialize dictionary size int counter = 0; // Number of buckets in hash table const unsigned int N = 1560; // Hash table node *table[N]; // Returns true if word is in dictionary, else false bool check(const char *word) { // TODO int word_len = strlen(word) + 1; // convert to lowercase char word_low[word_len]; for (int i = 0; i < word_len; i++) { word_low[i] = tolower(word[i]); } // convert word to hash value int hash_val = hash(word_low); // create node containing linked list from hash value position in table node *n = table[hash_val]; //loop through linked list untill end while (n != NULL) { // return true if word matches with current node from linked list, if not go next node if (strcmp(word_low, n->word) == 0) { return true; } n = n->next; } // if word was not found in the linked list, return true, words is not in dict return false; } // Hashes word to a number unsigned int hash(const char *word) { // TODO long sum = 0; // create ASCII sum of all letters in word converted to lowercase for (int i = 0; i < strlen(word); i++) { sum += tolower(word[i]); } // returns remainder of sum / bucket number return sum % N; } // Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful, else false bool load(const char *dictionary) { // TODO // Open dictionary file FILE *dict_file = fopen(dictionary, "r"); // Check if null if (dictionary == NULL) { printf("Unable to open %s\n", dictionary); return false; } //array to store newly found words char new_word[LENGTH + 1]; // read dictionary strings one at a time while (fscanf(dict_file, "%s", new_word) != EOF) { // create node for every word node *n = malloc(sizeof(node)); // check if malloc worked, if not free memory if (n == NULL) { unload(); return false; } // copy word to node strcpy(n->word, new_word); //obtain hash value int hash_val = hash(new_word); // set node next to correct place in table and than set table place to node n->next = table[hash_val]; table[hash_val] = n; //increase dict size for each loop counter++; } // close the file fclose(dict_file); return true; } // Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded, else 0 if not yet loaded unsigned int size(void) { // returns dictionary size return counter; } // Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful, else false bool unload(void) { // TODO //loop through all buckets for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++) { // check and do until table is empty while (table[i] != NULL) { //create temp node to store pointer to next table node *tmp = table[i] ->next; //free memory, set tmp pointer back to table and repeat untill all is free free(table[i]); table[i] = tmp; } } return true; }